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Maintainer: Thomas Leonard
License: GNU General Public License
Zero Install feed:

If you maintain a number of feeds, each with several versions of your programs, how do you know that all the download links are still OK? Run FeedLint on your feeds from time-to-time to check.

To use it, pass the URLs of the feeds to check as arguments, e.g.:

0install add feedlint
feedlint http://my/feed.xml

You can pass multiple feeds as arguments and it will check all of them. For each feed, it will:

  • Download the feed and check it can be read by 0install.
  • Check that all signatures are correct and by keys on your keyring.
  • Check that each signature's GPG key can be downloaded.
  • Check that the homepage and icon URLs work.
  • Get the size of each implementation archive and check that it matches the size in the feed.
  • Warn about releases marked as Testing which are more than one week old.
  • Recursively check any sub-feeds and dependencies listed in the feed (if run with -d)

Tip: to check all feeds in your domain (e.g.

0install list | xargs feedlint

Sample output

Here we ask it to check Edit's feed (and it also checks ROX-Lib, on which Edit depends; note that this mode now requires the -d option to be used):

Running FeedLint on Edit