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0publish edits feed files in place. It loads the file, transforms it in some way (such as setting the release date, or adding a new implementation) and then writes it back out again. If the input file was signed, it will resign it when saving with the same key by default. You can also use it to add a signature, or to change the signing key.

You can setup 0publish like this:

0install add 0publish


  • If you're looking for a graphical environment instead, see 0publish-gui.
  • To add a new version of a program to a feed, consider using 0template to generate the XML for the new version and 0repo to add it to the master feed.
  • 0release provides a more complete solution for managing releases (0release uses 0publish or 0repo internally, but also handles many other aspects of making releases for you).

Maintainer: Thomas Leonard
License: GNU Lesser General Public License
Zero Install feed:


-h, --help
Show help message and exit.
-a FEED, --add-from=FEED
Add the implementation(s) in FEED to this one, putting them in the most sensible <group> (so as to minimise duplication of requirements, etc).
add missing MIME-type attributes.
Add a new implementation (use with --archive-url, etc).
--archive-url=URL, --archive-file=FILE, --archive-extract=DIR
Change a local implementation to one with a digest and an archive.
-c, --create
Create a new feed file (if non-existent) without prompting.
-d ALG, --add-digest=ALG
Add extra digests using the given algorithm.
-e, --edit
Edit with $EDITOR. This is useful if the file is signed, since it removes the signature at the start and resigns at the end. It also checks that the new feed is valid before overwriting the old copy.
-g, --gpgsign
Add a GPG signature block. Deprecated; use --xmlsign instead.
-kKEY, --key=KEY
Key to use for signing (if you have more than one, or if you want to resign with a different key).
-lLOCAL, --local=LOCAL
Deprecated; use --add-from instead.
Select the algorithm to use for manifest digests.
Set the implementation ID. Note: it's usually easier to use the --archive-* options, since they calculate the digest for you.
Set the main executable.
Set the architecture.
Set the release date. Typically used as 0publish --set-released $(date +%F) feed.xml, which sets today's date.
Set the stability rating.
Set the version number (used when making a release from CVS).
-s, --stable
Mark the current testing version as stable.
Select version to use in --set-* commands.
-x, --xmlsign
Add an XML signature block. All remote feeds must be signed.
-u, --unsign
Remove any signature.
-v, --verbose
More verbose output (for debugging).
-V, --version
Display version information.


gpg: signing failed: secret key not available

By default, 0publish tries to sign the new version of the feed using the same key that signed the old version. You will get this error if you don't have this key (e.g. because someone else signed the old version). In that case, use -k to specify they key you want to use instead.

Maintainer: Bastian Eicher
License: GNU Lesser General Public License
Zero Install feed:


-h, --help
Show help message and exit.
Download missing archives, calculate manifest digests, etc..
-x, --xmlsign
Add an XML signature block. All remote feeds must be signed.
-u, --unsign
Remove any signature.
-V, --version
Display version information.